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Welcome to the homepage of the Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America (CRLN).

Our Network

CRLN’s network includes individuals, congregations, denominations, and organizations who become members and participate in CRLN’s action, advocacy, accompaniment and awareness efforts. We ally with and connect organizations in the U.S. and Latin America to participate in transnational social movements to build sustainable economies, just relationships and human dignity.

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Our Program Areas


Our two major program areas are interrelated and designed to dismantle economic exploitation and U.S. militarism toward Latin America and take action for immigrant justice within the U.S.

Our Immigration Program mobilizes interfaith support for local deportation defense efforts, works towards a vision of sanctuary for all, and makes a prophetic call for an end to detention. Through prayer, advocacy, education and organizing, we fight for a faithful vision of safety and community care for all. Rooted in our decades-long history of sanctuary organizing, we continue to organize with communities of faith in the Chicago-land area to challenge the criminalization of communities of color and develop transformational relationships with directly-affected communities. We are currently advocating for stronger welcoming city ordinances, ending the gang database, and cutting the flow of funding to immigration enforcement. We are also proud to support and endorse other local campaigns.

Our Latin America Program promotes partnerships between the Northern Triangle, Colombia, Cuba, and the U.S.

Cuba:  We work to end harmful U.S. policies toward Cuba including the U.S. embargo and all travel restrictions.


CRLN gratefully acknowldges the support of the following Foundations