Rally to Save Temporary Protected Status!

Ricahrd J. Daley Center 50 W. Washington St., Chicago, IL

Rally at 1:15pm, Thursday, September 6, at Federal Plaza, Dearborn & Jackson, with beneficiaries of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and their supporters to save Temporary Protected Status in the face of the Trump Administration's decision to terminate the program for hundreds of thousands of people. Speakers will include Leslie Combs, District Director for Congresswoman Jan[…]

Support Refugees, Not Dictators! Press Conference and Rally in Solidarity with Honduran Refugee Caravan

Across from Trump Tower Wacker and Wabash, Chicago, IL

Thousands of Hondurans, refugees from the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Juan Orlando Hernandez and its effects, have set out on foot to reach the U.S.  U.S. foreign policy is directly responsible for their plight, with its long history of interference and its support for the 2009 coup and subsequent repressive governments, disastrous economic policy, and, most[…]