July 2024, Guatemala Diaspora Delegation from Chicago

The delegation to Guatemala, which took place from July 3rd to the 13th, included five leaders from the Guatemalan community. This delegation was a collaboration between CRLN, the Maya Ixil Accompaniment Project, NISGUA, and AJR (Association for Justice and Reconciliation). The delegation was an independent initiative from Guatemalan leaders in Chicago seeking to reconnect with their roots and the desire to understand a border context of human rights in Guatemala. Jhonathan, with the support of Evelyn Zepeda, led the group with a larger aim of mentoring and strengthening a new generation of young leaders in Chicago, emphasizing the importance of human rights work and its connections to Latin America and the United States.
One of the main objectives of the delegation was to accompany members of the AJR , survivors of the Guatemala genocide during the trial happening in the country at the time. The AJR has played key roles in major legal cases, such as the case against former General Rios Montt. The delegation attended court hearings, met with local human rights organizations, including CODECA, and visited the Historic Memory Museum (Casa de la Memoria). The group also traveled to Nebaj and visited a community that survived a massacre, where the delegation heard powerful testimonies from survivors. The partnership with NISGA provided both logistical and programming support, making the trip a significant collaboration among the three organizations.
CRLN provided guidance, expertise, logistics support, and financial support for the delegation.
Click here to see more photos of the delegation.