Join us for two important rallies in Chicago!

Join this Youth-Led Rally & March for a #CleanDreamAct!

Tuesday, December 19th


Join CRLN & other ICIRR members for a rally and march to urge Senators Duckworth and Durbin and other members of the Illinois Delegation to stand strong and get a clean DREAM Act passed out of Congress before Dec 22


! Please let us know if you can make it and feel free to spread the word:

Take action to pass a clean #DreamActNow!

From our friends at OCAD: Support Wilmer & demand his release!

Wilmer has been in ICE detention for nine months.

Despite new evidence that he was falsely placed in CPD’s gang database, ICE refuses to release him.

Join us for a rally on 12/20 at 11AM

, 101 W. Congress Parkway, to demand his release.

See you there!

In the meantime, you can make a call with this script.

Dial 312-347-2400 (Press * when your call goes through):

“I’m calling to urge Director Ricardo Wong to release Wilmer Catalan-Ramirez (A#098 500 300). Mr. Catalan-Ramirez has been detained for 9 months without proper medical care. His health is decline and as a result he has experienced multiple seizures while in detention. I’m urging Director Wong to release Mr. Catalan-Ramirez before Christmas and allow him to receive proper medical care and be reunited with his family for the holidays.”


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