Apoyo / Support ($5000+): Receive 8 tickets (one table), full page ad in program book, program listing, acknowledgement during the program, acknowledgement on web page and the opportunity to recognize an activist
Comunidad / Community ($2500+): Receive 8 tickets (one table), ½ page ad in program book, program
listing, acknowledgement during the program, acknowledgement on web page and the opportunity to recognize an activist.
Amistad / Friendship ($1000+): Receive 4 tickets, ¼ page in program book, program listing, acknowledgement on web page and the opportunity to recognize an activist
Familiaridad / Familiarity ($500+): Receive 4 tickets, program listing, acknowledgement on web page and the opportunity to recognize an activist
Compañerismo / Fellowship (250+): Receive 2 tickets, program listing, acknowledgement on web page and the opportunity to recognize an activist.
Construyendo la Paz / Peacemaking (150+): Receive 1 ticket, program listing, acknowledgement on web page and the opportunity to recognize an activist.