April 10, 2020, 12:00 NOON
“When it is all too much, when the news is so bad that meditation itself feels useless, and a single life feels like too small a stone to offer on the altar of peace, find a human sunrise. Find those people who are committed to changing our scary reality. Human sunrises are happening all over the earth, at every moment. People gathering, people working to change the intolerable, people coming in their robes and sandals or in their rags and bare feet, and they are singing, or not, and they are chanting, or not. But they are working to bring peace, light, compassion to the infinitely frightening downhill slide of human life.” (Alice Walker, Naropa University, 2007)
In these challenging times, when all around us we see injustice, violence, lies, and despair, it is important to remember and claim that “another world is possible!” And not only is it possible, but it is being created and nurtured by all of those working together to build a world of justice, compassion, truth, and hope!
CRLN has created the responsive reading for the 4th station, “Helped in the Struggle.”
In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the “walk” part of Good Friday Walk for Justice is cancelled.
HOWEVER, even though we cannot gather right now, WE CAN STILL PRAY and take courageous action for justice in our communities! We will honor this 40th Anniversary Good Friday Walk for Justice by publishing our Prayer Booklet online. We encourage you to pray this modern-day Way-of-the-Cross on Good Friday in the safety of your homes with members of your households. The booklet will be available at walkforjusticechicago.com by Monday, April 6. The Planning Committee and Station Coordinators will record an audio/visual performance of the responsive readings and have it available for download at the website or link to it from the website as well. In that way, you can feel more connected to those leading the prayers and others participating in the event.
During this extended period of social distancing, the need for “Hope Rising in Courageous Community” is more important than ever. Please share this resource widely, and take heart in the words of author and poet, Alice Walker, who reminds us that “Human sunrises are happening all over the earth,” and that the work to “bring peace, light, compassion” to this world shines on.
And PLEASE send your email address to planning committee convener Nancy Jones at nancyjones193@gmail.com so we can keep you in the loop about next year’s Good Friday Walk for Justice.
To support this year’s Walk, make checks payable to CRLN (memo: GFWalk) and mail to CRLN, 5655 S. University Ave., #23, Chicago, IL 60637, or pay online at bit.ly/wfj20.