
Family members of Berta Caceres found out May 2 only through the media that 4 arrests had been made in connection with her murder.  While Honduran law gives victims of crimes the right to participate in investigations and to receive ongoing information as the investigation proceeds, Berta’s relatives have been entirely shut out of the process, even to the extent of not receiving notification of the arrests from the Attorney General’s office.

The family does not trust that the arrests made are the result of thorough evidence gathered and are concerned that there are no particular charges relating to what each suspect actually did and that they all have denied involvement in this crime.  The family also points out that the intellectual authors of the crime have not been arrested or charged. They continue to ask for the participation of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and for the right to receive information about Berta’s case from the Attorney General’s office.

You will find below the family’s statement enumerating their concerns.


Findings By the Attorney General’s Office Regarding the Assassination of Berta Cáceres Are Insufficient

Findings By the Attorney General’s Office Regarding the Assassination of Berta Cáceres Are Insufficient


Hallazgos del ministerio público sobre asesinato de Berta Cáceres son insuficientes


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