(Español Aqui)

The end of 2016 and 2017 have seen the adoption of Peace Accords between the Colombian government and the largest rebel group, FARC, and a new round of Peace Talks begun between the government and the smaller rebel group, ELN. At this point, the FARC has demobilized and is moving into designated “camps,” where they will live for an allotted amount of time before being free to relocate. They have been given the right to form a political party and run candidates for public office.

However, other armed groups who were not part of the Peace Accords still roam the countryside and are moving with their weapons into the spaces that the FARC used to control. These are the right-wing successors to the paramilitary groups that were supposedly dismantled ten years ago. Local people they terrorize say these newly named groups contain many of the same individuals who belonged to the former paramilitary groups. They also say that the national security forces do nothing to stop paramilitary violence, even when they are stationed nearby and are asked to do so.

These armed groups have often been deployed to further private interests on valuable land—for example, to violently displace communities of small landholders to provide free land for wealthy individuals or corporations to plant palm oil plantations. By 2017, over 6 million people had been violently displaced from their land in Colombia during the course of the 50+ year war.

Since December of 2016, these reorganized paramilitary groups have gone on a rampage, particularly in areas with African-descended and Indigenous populations, and killed hundreds of people. There is no peace, despite the Peace Accords, in the many areas where these groups are active. Without some commitment on the part of the Colombian government to disarm and dismantle these reorganized paramilitary groups, there will be no peace in Colombia. Nor will there be peace unless those in the paramilitary groups who have committed human rights violations are held to the same standards of justice as members of FARC during the period of transitional justice on the road to peace.

Before he left office, President Obama had promised $450 million to Colombia, much of it to be given to NGOs rather than the government, to support the implementation of the Peace Accords. While CRLN appreciated the diversion of military funds to funds for peace, we thought these funds would be better used if distributed directly to grassroots Colombian groups active in the local places where peace must be realized between former combatants on opposite sides in the war or between combatants from either side and civilian survivors of violence. That may be a moot point, as President Trump and his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, have signaled that the US may withdraw support from Colombia’s peace process entirely. We must advocate for continuing support for the peace process, given its fragility and the challenges it faces.

CRLN will be in DC from April 21-24, visiting Illinois Representatives and Senators. Send your signature to D.C. with CRLN

by singing up HERE.

Our ask will be for funding to implement the Peace Accords in Colombia and for Colombian officials to dismantle paramilitaries still active in the country.​

For further reading, here are some recent articles on Colombia:

Amnesty International report on attacks in NW Colombia:


Telesur article on paramilitary groups moving into territory left behind as FARC demobilizes:


Washington Office on Latin America on Colombian Congressional efforts to water down Peace Accords:

Colombia’s New Transitional Justice Law Violates the Spirit of the Peace Accords

NACLA (North American Congress on Latin America) on the importance of continued US-Colombia solidarity:


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More than a month after the murder of Honduran indigenous Lenca activist Berta Cáceres, the Honduran investigation into the crime has gone nowhere. CRLN believes that both the Honduran government and the U.S. State Department are blocking attempts by Berta’s family and human rights groups to transfer the investigation to an international team with no conflicts of interest in the case who could ensure justice.

Berta’s family insists it does not trust Honduran officials to investigate her murder and have called for an

independent, international investigation coordinated by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)

and whose conclusions would lead to a court case to try those responsible.  Honduran law states that the family can have access to the case file and consult with experts of its choosing, but the state prosecutor’s office has refused to share information with them and has ignored their requests for experts to be present at various moments in the investigation. The sole witness to the crime, Mexican environmentalist Gustavo Castro, says that Honduran investigators modified the crime scene and sought to intimidate him into incriminating members of Berta’s organization, COPINH. Honduras’ 98% impunity rate is also grounds for mistrust.

President Juan Orlando Hernández claimed that Honduran investigators were working with the FBI to solve the crime. CRLN members and staff who called the State Department to ask it to support an IACHR investigation were also told that the FBI was working with Honduran investigators. However,

it turns out that this is not true

. Given the U.S. record of support for the current Honduran administration, in spite of massive government corruption uncovered last year and its abysmal human rights record, FBI help might not be what is needed anyway.

President Hernández also called on the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights for help, but as the family and human rights groups quickly pointed out, this office does not conduct investigations, just observes. Finally, President Hernández agreed that the Organization of American States (OAS)’s Commission Against Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH, for its Spanish acronym)  could make an investigation. However, that body is only consultative, and the Honduran government has no obligation to enforce its recommendations. The U.S. State Department agrees, however, that MACCIH is the proper channel for the investigation.

It seems clear that both Honduras and the U.S. are primarily engaged in public relations and damage control around Berta’s murder, not interested in finding the material and intellectual authors of her death. Both are interested in at worst destroying, at best keeping the lid on, social movements which disrupt the ability of corporate extractive industries to do their business. That business is protected by both private security guards and the

Honduran military and police, heavily funded by the U.S

., who are deployed against activists, like Berta and many others, in the social movements. COFADEH, the most prominent human rights organization in Honduras, is talking about the

activity of death squads


Berta’s daughters and son have returned from meetings in the DC area, disappointed at not getting official U.S. support for an IACHR investigation. They have returned to Honduras, where they will participate in an International Solidarity event called “Berta Cáceres Vive” [Berta Cáceres lives] April 13-15, organized by COPINH, the organization their mother co-founded. As U.S. citizens, the ball is in our court now. Stay tuned for next steps as CRLN and other organizations concerned about Honduras identify strategies to prompt a credible investigation into Berta’s death.

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(Español Aqui)

Berta Caceres’ Case

COPINH denounces the continous will of the Honduran State to keep in impunity the case of Berta Cáceres Flores. Read their statement here: (Spanish only)


On April 7th,

Two letters by US Senators and Representatives were sent to the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson expressing their concern about the situation of human right defenders in Honduras.

78 US politicians demand that military and police aid to Honduras be withheld until the situation for human rights defenders improves drastically in the country.

CRLN staff and board members participated, in a Voz de los de Abajo delegation in March, as human rights observers in a march by COPINH and its allies to the Supreme Court. They delivered a letter containing a constitutional challenge to the legality of the Legislative Decrees authorizing the Agua Zarca Hydroelectric Project on the Gualcarque River, something Berta had wanted to do before she was killed. That was March 1, and the Constitutional Chamber has not yet admitted it for consideration by the Supreme Court.

*Karla Lara and Melissa Cardoza, feminists, social justice organizers in Honduras and close friends of Berta Caceres, are doing a US tour April 20th to May 23rd.

Melissa Cardoza’s book,

13 Colors of the Honduran Resistance,
tells thirteen stories of women who joined the resistance to the U.S.-backed 2009 coup d’etat. She will be touring along with her fellow member of the Honduran “Red de Defensoras,” or network of women rights defenders, beloved Honduran jazz/folk protest singer

Karla Lara,

who appears in one of the book’s stories and has been an icon and sharp voice in the resistance.

They will be in Chicago with CRLN on April 30th, Join Us.

Read more about Karla and Melissa and their work here.

2017 National Elections

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) is an ally of the Juan Orlando government, by letting him run for the 2017 elections, despite that re-election is prohibited by the Honduran constitution. Now, the TSE wants to forbid the Party Against Corruption (PAC), a major opposition party, from the national elections on November. The TSE wants PAC to hold an internal leadership election on May 21ST. However, this date will give the political opposition just four days to decide on a political alliance- making it extremely hard to form such alliance. By May 25, all alliances must be officially listed.

Garifuna and Indigenous Communities

The UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples,

Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, visited Honduras from April 16-21st.

She met with the highest national governmental authorities, representatives of indigenous peoples, civil society organizations and the private sector.

Her first visit to the country was in November 2015

. This second visit was a follow up on observations and recommendations regarding the process to regulate the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous and Afro-Honduran peoples. She presented recommendations to the Honduran government, and many fear that these

recommendations will be ignored once again.

The Honduran government is currently drafting a free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) law. However indigenous organizations, such as OFRANEH (Garifuna) and COPINH (Lenca) , denounce that the government is

marginalizing indigenous communities from the process and instead the Juan Orlando’s administration is taking over.

There has been a

recent violent attack against labor leaders at the international company Fyffes.

Solidarity Center reports that “Moisés Sánchez, secretary general of the melon export branch of the Honduran agricultural workers’ union, Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Agroindustria y Similares (STAS), and his brother, union member Misael Sánchez

, say they were attacked late last week by six men wielding machetes as they left the union office in the southern town of Choluteca

, an area where agricultural workers harvest melons and other export produce”.

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Más de un mes después del asesinato de la activista indígena lenca de Honduras Berta Cáceres, la investigación del crimen por el gobierno de Honduras no ha dado ningún resultado. CRLN cree que tanto el gobierno de Honduras y el Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. están bloqueando los intentos de los familiares de Berta y grupos de derechos humanos para transferir la investigación a un equipo internacional con ningún conflicto de intereses en el caso que pudiera garantizar la justicia.

La familia de Berta insiste en que no confía en las autoridades Hondureñas para investigar el asesinato y han pedido una investigación independiente e internacional coordinada por la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) y cuyas conclusiones podrían conducir a un caso judicial para juzgar a los responsables. La legislación hondureña establece que la familia puede tener acceso al expediente del caso y a consultar a expertos de su elección, pero la oficina del Fiscal del Estado de Honduras se ha negado a compartir información con ellos y ha ignorado sus peticiones de que expertos estén presentes en diversos momentos de la investigación. El único testigo del crimen, el ecologista mexicano Gustavo Castro, dice que los investigadores hondureños modificaron la escena del crimen y trataron de intimidarlo para que incriminar a miembros de la organización de Berta, COPINH. La tasa de impunidad de Honduras (98%) es también motivo de desconfianza.

El presidente Juan Orlando Hernández afirmó que los investigadores hondureños estaban trabajando con el FBI para resolver el crimen. Los miembros de CRLN y el personal que llamaron al Departamento de Estado para pedir apoyo para una investigación dirigida por CIDH, también se les dijo que el FBI estaba trabajando con los investigadores hondureños. Dado el historial de EE.UU. al dar apoyo a la administración actual de Honduras, a pesar de la corrupción masiva del gobierno descubierta el año pasado, y su pésimo historial de derechos humanos, la ayuda del FBI podría no ser lo que se necesita de todos modos.

El Presidente Hernández también llamó a La Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH)  en busca de ayuda, pero como los familiares y grupos de derechos humanos señalaron rápidamente, esta oficina no lleva a cabo investigaciones, simplemente observa. Por último, el presidente Hernández acordó que la Misión de Apoyo Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad en Honduras (MACCIH) de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) pudiera hacer una investigación. Sin embargo, dicho organismo es solamente consultivo, y el gobierno de Honduras no tiene la obligación de hacer cumplir sus recomendaciones. El Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. está de acuerdo, sin embargo, que MACCIH es el canal adecuado para la investigación.

Parece claro que tanto Honduras como los EE.UU. cuyas actividades consisten principalmente en relaciones públicas y control de daños en torno a la muerte de Berta, no están interesados en encontrar a los responsables intelectuales de su muerte. Ambos están interesados en destruir y en mantener la tapa sobre los movimientos sociales, que interrumpen la capacidad de las industrias extractivas corporativas para hacer sus negocios. Ese negocio está protegido por guardias privados de seguridad y los militares hondureños y la policía, en gran medida financiados por los EE.UU., los cuales se despliegan contra los activistas, como Berta y muchos otros, en los movimientos sociales. COFADEH, la organización más prominente de los derechos humanos en Honduras, está hablando otra vez de la actividad de los escuadrones de la muerte.

Las hijas y el hijo de Berta han regresado de reuniones en el área de DC, decepcionados por no conseguir el apoyo oficial de EE.UU. para una investigación dirigida por CIDH. Han regresado a Honduras, donde van a participar en un evento internacional de solidaridad, denominado “Berta Cáceres Vive” del 13 al 15 de abril organizado por el COPINH, la organización que su madre co-fundó.

Como ciudadanos de Estados Unidos, la pelota está en nuestra cancha ahora. Manténgase en sintonía para los próximos pasos  que CRLN y otras organizaciones preocupadas por Honduras toman para impulsar una investigación creíble sobre la muerte de Berta.

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  • Caso de Berta Caceres

COPINH denuncia la reiterada voluntad del Estado hondureño de mantener en la impunidad el caso de Berta Cáceres Flores. Lea su declaración aquí: (en español solamente).


El 7 de abril, dos cartas de parte de Senadores y Representantes de los Estados Unidos fueron enviadas al Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores de los Estados Unidos, Rex Tillerson,

expresando su preocupación por la situación de los defensores de derechos humanos en Honduras.

78 políticos estadounidenses exigen que la ayuda militar y policial a Honduras sea retenida hasta que la situación de los defensores de derechos humanos mejore drásticamente en el país.

Parte del personal y miembros de CRLN participaron en una delegación de La Voz de los de Abajo en marzo, como observadores de derechos humanos en una marcha de COPINH y sus aliados ante la Corte Suprema de Honduras. Entregaron una carta que contenía una impugnación constitucional a la legalidad de los Decretos Legislativos que autorizaba el Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Agua Zarca en el Río Gualcarque, algo que Berta había querido hacer antes de ser asesinada. Eso fue el 1 de marzo, y la Sala Constitucional aún no lo ha admitido para la consideración por el Tribunal Supremo.

* Karla Lara y Melissa Cardoza, feministas, organizadoras de justicia social en Honduras y amigas cercanas de Berta Cáceres, están realizando una gira estadounidense del 20 de abril al 23 de mayo. El libro de Melissa Cardoza, 13 Colores de la Resistencia Hondureña, cuenta trece historias de mujeres que se unieron a la resistencia después del golpe de Estado del 2009 respaldado por Estados Unidos. Ella estará de gira junto con su compañera de la Red de Defensoras de Honduras, Karla Lara,  la amada cantante hondureña de jazz y folk , que aparece en una de las historias del libro y ha sido un icono y voz de la resistencia.

Estarán en Chicago con CRLN el 30 de abril, únase a nosotros.

Lea más sobre Karla y Melissa y su trabajo


Elecciones Nacionales del 2017

El Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) es un aliado del gobierno de Juan Orlando Hernández, al permitirle ser parte de las elecciones del 2017, a pesar de que la reelección está prohibida por la Constitución hondureña. Ahora, el TSE quiere prohibir el Partido Anti-Corrupción (PAC), un importante partido de la oposición, de las elecciones nacionales de noviembre. El TSE quiere que el PAC celebre elecciones de liderazgo interno el 21 de mayo. Sin embargo, esta fecha dará a la oposición política sólo cuatro días para decidir sobre una alianza política, lo que hace extremadamente difícil formar esa alianza. Para el 25 de mayo, todas las alianzas deben estar listadas oficialmente.

Comunidades Indigenas

La Relatora Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre Pueblos Indígenas, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, visitó Honduras del 16 al 21 de abril. Se reunió con las más altas autoridades gubernamentales nacionales, representantes de los pueblos indígenas, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y el sector privado. Su primera visita al país fue en noviembre de 2015. Esta segunda visita fue un seguimiento de las observaciones y recomendaciones sobre el proceso para regular el consentimiento libre, previo e informado de los pueblos indígenas y afro hondureños. Ella presentó recomendaciones al gobierno hondureño,

y muchos temen que estas recomendaciones sean ignoradas una vez más.

El gobierno hondureño está actualmente redactando una ley de consentimiento libre, previo e informado (CLPI). Sin embargo, organizaciones indígenas, como OFRANEH (Garifuna) y COPINH (Lenca),

denuncian que el gobierno está marginando a las comunidades indígenas del proceso

y en su lugar la administración de Juan Orlando está tomando el liderazgo.

Ha habido un reciente ataque violento contra líderes sindicales en la empresa internacional Fyffes. El Centro de Solidaridad informa que “Moisés Sánchez, secretario general de la rama exportadora de melón del Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Agroindustria y Similares (STAS), y su hermano, sindicalista Misael Sánchez, dicen que fueron atacados la semana pasada por seis hombres con machetes mientras salían de la oficina sindical en Choluteca al Sur del pais, donde los trabajadores agrícolas cosechan melones y otros productos de exportación “.

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Family members of Berta Caceres found out May 2 only through the media that 4 arrests had been made in connection with her murder.  While Honduran law gives victims of crimes the right to participate in investigations and to receive ongoing information as the investigation proceeds, Berta’s relatives have been entirely shut out of the process, even to the extent of not receiving notification of the arrests from the Attorney General’s office.

The family does not trust that the arrests made are the result of thorough evidence gathered and are concerned that there are no particular charges relating to what each suspect actually did and that they all have denied involvement in this crime.  The family also points out that the intellectual authors of the crime have not been arrested or charged. They continue to ask for the participation of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and for the right to receive information about Berta’s case from the Attorney General’s office.

You will find below the family’s statement enumerating their concerns.


Findings By the Attorney General’s Office Regarding the Assassination of Berta Cáceres Are Insufficient

Findings By the Attorney General’s Office Regarding the Assassination of Berta Cáceres Are Insufficient


Hallazgos del ministerio público sobre asesinato de Berta Cáceres son insuficientes


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, 25 de mayo: Marcha de las mujeres indígenas y negras en Tegucigalpa, exigiendo un alto a la criminalización y el enjuiciamiento de las defensoras de derechos humanos y #JusticiaparaBertaCaceres)

En marzo de 2017,

Global Witness publicó un informe

que nombraba a Honduras como el país más peligroso del mundo para los defensores de derechos humanos y medioambientales. Esto causó conmoción en el gobierno hondureño y los medios de comunicación, especialmente por la participación de funcionarios gubernamentales en empresas transnacionales y proyectos de desarrollo. Unos días más tarde, dos miembros del personal de CRLN y un miembro de la Junta Directiva viajaron a Honduras en una delegación de La Voz de los de Abajo. Se unieron a muchos visitantes internacionales, organizaciones y otras delegaciones en el país para actos de conmemoración del primer aniversario de la muerte de Berta Cáceres. Nuestra delegación vio y habló directamente con defensores de derechos humanos, líderes de comunidades indígenas, obreros, campesinos, miembros de la oposición y estudiantes que explicaron el peligro de defender sus derechos en Honduras. El siguiente informe refleja las demandas y peligros descritos en el reporte de Global Witness y lo que escuchamos en nuestra delegación en marzo de las comunidades afectadas. En Honduras,

como en toda América Latina

, ser un defensor ambiental y de derechos humanos es un gran peligro.

El representante de OFRANEH y líder Garifuna, Cesar Geovany Bernárdez, fue detenido el 18 de mayo y acusado de usurpación o posesión ilegal de tierra por el empresario canadiense Patrick Forseth de CARIVIDA.

Cesar Geovany Bernárdez fue acusado de usurpar tierras que se encuentran dentro del título comunitario otorgado a la comunidad garífuna de Guadalupe. La delegación de La Voz de los de Abajo se reunió con Cesar y otros líderes garífunas en el área de Barra Vieja en Marzo. Los líderes garífunas hablaron con la delegación sobre cómo han estado luchando contra las ventas ilegales de tierras de sus comunidades a proyectos de desarrollo estadounidenses y canadienses. Su comunidad ha estado rodeada de guardias privados, militares y cercas.


, un proyecto canadiense de desarrollo turístico y de vivienda, está ilegalmente en posesión de tierras garífunas y obtuvo los documentos de propiedad de tierras, así como las órdenes de captura de Geovany mediante corrupción y abuso de autoridad con la ayuda del gobierno hondureño. Geovany fue puesto en libertad al día siguiente; Sin embargo, se le dieron medidas sustantivas, lo que significa que su libertad está restringida. Tiene que firmar con frecuencia ante un juez en Trujillo y no se le permite salir del país, entre otras restricciones.

OFRANEH publicó una declaración que concluye

: “Una vez mas ratificamos y denunciamos que las comunidades Garífunas de la Bahia de Trujillo, afectadas por los proyectos turísticos y habitacionales de la mafia canadiense, nunca fueron consultadas para obtener su consentimiento previo, libre e informado; violando de esta forma el Convenio 169 de la OIT.”


la criminalización de los campesinxs continúa en la región sur de Honduras.

Defensores en Línea informan que el campesino y pescador Julio César Canales Torres fue detenido el 14 de mayo por usurpación de tierras.

Actualización del caso de Berta Cáceres

El 17 de mayo, el equipo legal que representa a Berta Cáceres y su familia denunció ante el Ministerio Público de Tegucigalpa la irregularidad con que se está llevando a cabo la investigación y proceso judicial de su asesinato. Al equipo legal de la familia se le ha negado repetidamente el acceso a la información sobre el caso. Por ejemplo, habia una audiencia programada para el caso de Berta el 24 de mayo; Sin embargo, el equipo legal que representa a su familia tuvo que pedir por segunda vez que se posponga la audiencia, ya que la información necesaria no fue entregada a tiempo a los abogados. La audiencia está ahora programada para el 7 de junio.

La delegación se reunió con la hija de Berta Cáceres y con COPINH, que exigen una investigación independiente de su asesinato y que los autores intelectuales sean llevados ante la justicia.


Empleadas de Delta despedidas

“Entre los días 5 y 7 de abril de 2017, Delta Apparel, con sede en Estados Unidos, despidió a más de 40 trabajadores que sufren de lesiones músculo-esqueléticas debilitantes en su fábrica de Villanueva, Cortés, Honduras. 25 de los 40 trabajadores se han negado a aceptar los asentamientos y están exigiendo que Delta Apparel les devuelva su trabajo “.

Por favor lea aquí

, acerca de cómo puede apoyar a las 25 empleadas despedidas a recuperar su trabajo y exigir que Delta US Apparel deje de exponer a sus trabajadores a lesiones y factores de riesgo para la salud.

Campesinxs se declararon en huelga contra Tela Railroad Company

Más de 2.000 campesinxs hondureñxs se apoderaron de diez granjas durante 17 días pertenecientes a la Tela Railroad Company, una compañia sucesora de la ahora disuelta United Fruit Company. Los campesinxs exigían mejores condiciones de salud y de trabajo. Después de 17 días de huelga, la empresa y los trabajadores llegaron a un acuerdo. Sin embargo,

como informa Radio Progreso

, los riesgos para la salud y los peligros de trabajar en el campo y con productos químicos continúan para los campesinxs.

Elecciones de noviembre de 2017

Al acercarse las elecciones de 2017, la Alianza de Oposición, formada por partidos políticos de oposición , incluido el Partido Anticorrupción (PAC) y LIBRE, eligió a Salvador Nasralla como candidato para representar a la oposición en las elecciones de 2017.

Informe sobre asesinatos de la DEA en Ahuas, Honduras

The Center for Economic and Policy Research explica:

Un nuevo


de las Oficinas del Inspector General (OIG) del Departamento de Justicia (DJ) y el Departamento de Estado (DE) de los EEUU afirma que agentes de la Administración para el Control de Drogas estadounidense (DEA, por sus siglas en inglés) se encontraban bajo control operacional durante un

incidente notorio en Ahuas

, Honduras, en mayo de 2012, en el que cuatro campesinos miskitu fueron asesinados y otros tres gravemente heridos. La evidencia encontrada contradice

anteriores declaraciones

de oficiales de la DEA según las cuales sus agentes jugaron tan solo un rol de “apoyo” en el incidente, “no dispararon una sola ráfaga”, siendo “la conducta del personal de la DEA consistente con los protocolos, políticas y procedimientos vigentes de la agencia”.

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Español aquí

On Wednesday, June 15th, people all over the world demonstrated outside Honduran Embassies and Consulates in solidarity with the Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH). It was COPINH’s Global day of Action for Justice for Berta and demonstrations occurred in over 30 cities across the world.

Meanwhile, after much grassroots organizing and pressure, Representative Hank Johnson (D-Georgia) introduced H.R.5474, the “ Berta Cáceres Human Rights in Honduras Act”. We have a powerful and rare legislative opportunity to demand an immediate hold on all U.S. security aid to Honduras, which is currently fostering death squad activity directly linked to Berta Cáceres’ assassination.

To act now, click here to find your member of the House of Representatives, call their office in Washington DC, and ask to speak to the Foreign Policy staffer. If they are not available, you can leave them the following message or if you catch them in the office, you can tell them the following:

“I’m calling to ask that Rep. _________ support H.R.5474, the Berta Cáceres Human Rights in Honduras Act. 

My community does not want our tax dollars funding death squads in Honduras. Instead we want a full and independent investigation into the murder of Berta Cáceres, prosecution of the intellectual and material authors of her murder, and the establishment of democratic systems of justice in Honduras in order to protect the rights of hundreds of political activists under attack all over the country.”

Thus far, the only Illinois Rep to support the bill is Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, a long-time champion for human rights in Honduras and the first member of Congress to travel to Honduras after the military coup in 2009. If you’re in Jan’s district, call and thank her!

Otherwise, please take one minute to call your Representative and ask them to support H.R. 5474, a crucial and timely bill that demands that all U.S. aid to Honduran security forces must cease, and that the U.S. must vote no on all loans from multinational development banks to Honduras until the following conditions are met:

  • A full investigation and prosecution into the murders of Berta Cáceres, 100 small-farmer activists in the Aguán Valley, Joel Palacios Lino and Elvis Armando García.
  • A full investigation and prosecution of the armed attack against Félix Molina.
  • A full investigation and prosecution of those members of the Honduran military and police forces who have committed human rights abuses.
  • That the Honduran military withdraw from domestic policing, as mandated in the constitution.
  • That the rights of “…land rights defenders; trade unionists; journalists; Indigenous, Afro-Indigenous, small farmer and LGBTI activists; human rights defenders; critics of the government; and other civil society activists…” are protected.
  • Take steps toward establishing the rule of law and strong democratic systems such as a functioning judiciary branch capable of prosecuting member of the military and police forces.

Members of the House need to hear from constituents and your phone call will make a huge difference! CRLN, along with people from all over the U.S., will continue pressuring members of Congress to support H.R.5474.

Join this fight and call your Rep today!

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CRLN  is seriously concerned about increasing levels of violent threats against the Lenca indigenous inhabitants of Rio Blanco, who have been resisting the illegal construction of a hydroelectric dam across a river on their lands. This is exactly the type of escalating threats that ended in the murder of Berta Caceres, so it is imperative that we act now. We received a request from the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) for international voices to add to COPINH’s complaints to the Honduran authorities about the threats and crops destruction and to ask them to act to protect members of the Rio Blanco community.. Apparently, the police have started accompanying armed men with guns responsible for the threats rather than arresting them.
 Please email the Human Rights officer at the U.S. Embassy, Jason Smith,

or call the Embassy at 011 504 2236-9320 and ask to be connected to Jason Smith. Please also call the Honduran Ambassador to the U.S., Jorge Alberto Milla Reyes, 1-202 966-7702. You can use the following script:
“I am very concerned about the increasing frequency of violent threats by men with guns against members of the community of Rio Blanco, Intibuca, including death threats against the children of Francisco Javier Sanchez. Threats of increasing frequency preceded the murder of Berta Caceres, who worked with this community, so the threats must be taken very seriously. The community has identified one individual making threats–Franklin Madrid–and has asked for the authorities to arrest him and any others  making threats. Instead, the police have accompanied those making the threats.The U.S. funds training for the Honduran police. If they are abusing their positions as law enforcement, they should not receive U.S. funds. Please call on the Honduran authorities to protect the lives of people in Rio Blanco by arresting and bringing to justice those who are harassing them.”
 The COPINH letter follows:
COPINH urgently communicates to the national and international community our serious worry about the defenseless state of the Lenca people in Río Blanco, faced with armed men and constant threats. We insist that the authorities take immediate action to protect the physical wellbeing and lives of COPINH members in Río Blanco, who continue to defend their ancestral territory against the invasion of people linked to the DESA corporation.

In recent months, and especially in the past few weeks, the threats against COPINH members have intensified, especially while they are working on their ancestral lands in Vega del Achiotal and Vega del Culatón, sites where the DESA corporation has invaded Lenca territory to build the Agua Zarca project.
The Madrid family, who is originally from Santa Bárbara, illegally took over Lenca territory and sold part of it to the DESA corporation. Several of these people have been employees of the DESA corporation and have been put to work threatening members of COPINH, including our sister Berta Cáceres. We remind you that one of them threatened that they were going to “set things straight with Berta one way or another” just a few months before her assassination, and they warned us to look out for the consequences.
We denounce that

Franklin Madrid has pointed firearms at COPINH members in Río Blanco and fired into the air close to COPINH members while they worked their ancestral lands.

The frequency of the threats is increasing and the COPINH members are in a state of complete vulnerability against the armed men who are openly threatening and intimidating them. Today, June 21st, in the morning hours, several armed men once again threatened COPINH members while they were working at Vega del Culaton.

We alert you that one of the armed men threatened to kill at any moment the children of Francisco Javier Sánchez, Coordinator of the Indigenous Council of Río Blanco and member of the General Coordination of COPINH.
COPINH has filed complaints with the authorities regarding the threats and destruction of the corn crops. Nonetheless, to this day, those responsible continue to be free.

Instead of penalizing those who make violent threats, the police have instead accompanied them.
We also denounce the responsibility of the Municipality of Intibucá for having illegally granted land rights on ancestral Lenca territory at the Vega del Achiotal, facilitating the invasion of Lenca territory.

We demand that the authorities take immediate action to secure the life and physical wellbeing of the Lenca people of Río Blanco and to resolve the situations denounced by COPINH.

We call on the national and international community to speak with the Honduran authorities and embassies to demand that they Honduran state take immediate action and prosecute those who are threatening the Lenca people with firearms.
·         Oscar Chinchilla, Attorney General – 504-2221-3099
·         Julian Pacheco, Secretary of Security – 504-9456-3699
·         National Human Rights Commission (CONADEH)
Tegucigalpa: 504-2231-0204,

Intibucá: 504-2783-0039,



No more martyrs!

We demand immediate action before it is too late.
Berta lives on, COPINH is still strong!
With the ancestral strength of Berta, Lempira, Mota and Etempica, we raise our voices full of life, justice, dignity, freedom and peace!
From Río Blanco, Intibucá, June 21st, 2017
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Thanks to all of you who have urged your members of Congress to support HRes 630, condemning the coup in Honduras. Today you have another opportunity to act on behalf of democracy. See below for the Action Alert from SOA Watch.

Earlier this week, the SOA graduate-backed Honduran military coup regime refused all diplomatic options to return democracy. The U.S. State Department responded by asserting that visas to Hondurans would no longer be granted under the coup. Late yesterday State Department officials made it clear that they are considering legally defining the situation as a “military coup.” This would create an automatic cut-off of all remaining aid to Honduras. The coup regime immediately responded by saying that they would allow the rightful President Zelaya to return with amnesty, but not as president. Clearly the coup leaders are caving to the pressure.  For more background information, check out this article:


. We need you to act now to return democracy to Honduras. Please make two very important phone calls!  For information on how to respond, please read below or click the “read more” link.

1.) Call the State Department at 202-647-5171 or 1-800-877-8339 and ask for Secretary Clinton. Deliver the following message:

“My name is ________ and I live in ______ (city/state). I am calling to ask you to legally define the de facto regime in Honduras as a military coup and cut off all aid to Honduras until President Zelaya is unconditionally reinstated.”

2.) Call the White House at 202-456-1111 and repeat the same message

“My name is _______ and I live in __________ (city/state). I am calling to ask you to legally define the de facto regime in Honduras as a military coup and cut off all aid to Honduras until President Zelaya is unconditionally reinstated.”

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