As members, we commit to the following:

  • To build networks of love and protection.
  • To make an impact on US policy toward Latin America and on immigration policy through education and advocacy.
  • To accompany our partners in Latin America who are leading the fight for human rights. We work with organizations of indigenous, African-descended, LGBTQ, women and others who are marginalized or threatened in their countries and are seeking social justice.
  • To build interfaith power for immigrant justice and act against unjust detention and deportations.
  • To participate in expanding sanctuary and meet other people and organizations resisting the criminalization of communities of color.

Membership Benefits Individual Congregational / Organizational
CRLN event tickets Advance notice and

10% discount on tickets

Advance notice, 10% discount on tickets  + 1 free ticket
Training Discounts on trainings Limited free spots in CRLN trainings plus a customized training for your congregation or organization
Input into annual programming Input at annual member meeting Input at annual member meeting
E-Digest, action alerts, issue updates & webinars Monthly E-Digest, action alerts, issue updates and invitations to webinars


Monthly E-Digest, action alerts, issue updates, invitations to webinars and promotion of your events related to campaigns
Other resources New member packet, interfaith toolkits and signage available for download


New member packet, interfaith toolkits and signage available for download as well as access to the CRLN resource library


Claudia Lucero

Claudia Lucero has blogged 1510 posts