(texto en el lenguage español, abajo del texto en inglés)

Loyet Ricardo García Broche

Loyet was born in the town of Fomento, a municipality located in the province of Sancti Spíritus, in the heart of Cuba. His childhood was spent in a small rural village, where he spent most of his life. From a young age, Loyet became interested in social issues and the defense of human rights, a passion that would accompany him throughout his life.

His journey at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Center in Havana began many years ago when he joined the Faith for Cuba Ecumenical Network. However, it was in 2016 when he decided to move to the capital to work as a theologian at the Center. In 2022, he was elected as a member of the Collegiate Coordination, a position he has held with commitment and dedication to this day.

The defense of human rights is not just a job for Loyet; it is a conviction rooted in his personal values and faith. For him, the struggle for a fairer and more equitable world is a moral responsibility inspired by the example of Jesus and the values of the Kingdom. Despite challenges such as religious fundamentalism and precarity in the Cuban context, Loyet approaches his work with determination and hope.

To disconnect from work and recharge, Loyet enjoys activities such as cooking, dancing, playing the guitar, and spending time with friends and family. Contact with loved ones, especially his parents, is a source of happiness and motivation to continue his fight for human rights and social justice in Cuba.


Loyet Ricardo García Broche

Loyet nació en el pueblo de Fomento, un municipio ubicado en la provincia de Sancti Spíritus, en el corazón de Cuba. Su infancia transcurrió en un pequeño pueblo rural, donde pasó la mayor parte de su vida. Desde muy joven, Loyet se interesó por las cuestiones sociales y la defensa de los derechos humanos, una pasión que lo acompañaría a lo largo de su vida.

Su trayectoria en el Centro Memorial Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. en La Habana comenzó hace muchos años, cuando se unió a la Red Ecuménica Fe por Cuba. Sin embargo, fue en 2016 cuando decidió trasladarse a la capital para trabajar como teólogo en el Centro. En 2022, fue elegido como miembro de la Coordinación Colegiada, una posición que desempeña con compromiso y dedicación hasta el día de hoy.

La defensa de los derechos humanos no es solo un trabajo para Loyet, es una convicción arraigada en sus valores personales y en su fe. Para él, la lucha por un mundo más justo y equitativo es una responsabilidad moral que encuentra inspiración en el ejemplo de Jesús y los valores del Reino. A pesar de los desafíos, como el fundamentalismo religioso y la precariedad en el contexto cubano, Loyet aborda su labor con determinación y esperanza.

Para desconectar del trabajo y recargar energías, Loyet disfruta de actividades como cocinar, bailar, tocar la guitarra y pasar tiempo con amigos y familiares. El contacto con sus seres queridos, especialmente con sus padres, es una fuente de felicidad y motivación para seguir adelante en su lucha por los derechos humanos y la justicia social en Cuba.

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We are very happy to share that CRLN was chosen as one of three recipients of the esteemed HumanitiesX fellowship at DePaul University. After months of work, on April 1, the CRLN Team launched a course titled ¨Historical Memory Project: Ni Olvido, Ni Perdón¨ based on the HumanitiesX theme of democracy and rights, which is being offered to DePaul students this Spring Quarter, 2024.

What is HumanitiesX you might ask? HumanitiesX is an innovative program that redefines the boundaries of traditional education by fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, community engagement, and experiential learning in the humanities. It offers year-long fellowships to teams comprised of faculty members, community partners, and students from DePaul University’s College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. You can read more at DePaul’s website here.

The CRLN Team is Susana Martínez, Associate Professor in Modern Languages and Peace, Justice, & Conflict Studies, and Lydia Saravia, Professional Lecturer in Writing, Rhetoric, & Discourse, Angelina Álvarez, Undergraduate Student of Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies, Safiyah Simpkins Undergraduate Student of Political Science, and Jhonathan F. Gomez: co-director of CRLN.

In collaboration with CRLN, students participating in the course will delve into the complex history of Central America, examining the enduring legacies of past struggles and their implications for contemporary social movements. Students will have the opportunity to create public, political art and writing that amplifies marginalized voices and challenges dominant narratives.

Students will consider the connection between historical events, beginning in the 1960s, and current movements and injustices impacting Central America—specifically, in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Students will examine the ways in which organized communities in Central America have actively worked with human rights groups in the U.S. Through cultural, historical, and rhetorical frameworks, students will interrogate the Western idea of Democracy within the context of neoliberalism. Further, by directly working with CRLN, talking to local political artists, and visiting sites around the city, students will examine how local activists and artists participate in political movements and preserve historic memory.

The collaboration between DePaul University and CRLN exemplifies the transformative potential of community-engaged scholarship. By bridging academic expertise with grassroots activism, the ¨Historical Memory Project: Ni Olvido, Ni Perdón¨ seeks to foster meaningful dialogue, inspire action, and honor the resilience of communities who have fought for justice. As CRLN embarks on this exciting journey as a HumanitiesX fellow, we invite you to join us in future events as we continue to interrogate democracy, foreign policy, neoliberalism and explore what resistance communities in Central America are doing to advance human rights and promote historical consciousness. Stay tuned for updates on the progress of the Historical Memory Project and opportunities to engage with this vital work.

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CRLN Open House
Saturday, April 13, from 3:00 to 6:00pm
CRLN Office at University Church
5655 S University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637

If you haven’t already seen our postcard reminder to RSVP, please take a moment to confirm your attendance using the link provided here: [Insert RSVP Link]. We’re thoroughly preparing for our upcoming Open House, eager to showcase our recent accomplishments and projects and provide insights into our future work.

We are very happy to announce that Reverend Izzet Samá Hernández and Loyet García Broche, co-directors of the Centro Memorial Martin Luther King Jr. (CMMLK) in La Habana, Cuba, will be joining us as special guests. From April 13th to April 19th, CRLN will host them for a series of events centered around political education, liberatory theology, and liberatory education. CMMLK graciously hosted CRLN during our delegation to Cuba in January of this year. CMMLK’s unique blend of secular and religious elements holds immense significance within Cuba, and we are honored to count them among our international partners at CRLN. We will soon send more details on the events they’ll be participating in during their visit.

At the Open House, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with CRLN staff, members of the board of directors and learn more about our recent delegations to Guatemala and Cuba. We will also introduce our unique and innovative new collaborationwith DePaul University as recipients of the HumanitiesX Fellowship, along with our political education through the arts Mural Project collaboration with Red COMAL in Honduras. Additionally, we’ll share updates on our work with residents at the Amate House migrant shelter. This interactive afternoon promises to provide valuable insights into our work, allowing you to connect with our team, meet collaborators, and gain a deeper understanding of our initiatives.

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Óscar Romero Commemoration Event
Sunday, April 7, from 3:30 to 6:00pm
Inga Bookstore (Pilsen neighborhood)
1740 W. 18th St., Chicago, IL 60608

Join us on Sunday, April 7th, at 3:30pm as we come together to honor the life and legacy of Saint Óscar Romero. CRLN is delighted to partner with the Alma de Izote collective (Yuca Flower) for a special commemorative event dedicated to celebrating Saint Óscar Romero’s profound impact. His enduring influence holds special significance for CRLN, evident in his portrayal within our logo. Romero’s dedication to justice serves as a guiding light for our own efforts.

This year is the 44th anniversary of his martyrdom. We would not be CRLN if we didn’t mention that he was killed during the war in El Salvador in 1980s by the infamous death squads, which were backed and funded by the U.S government. To his legacy we say ¡San Romero Vive! ¡Presente!

Alma de Izote is a newly formed solidarity group comprising individuals from the El Salvador community and allies, united in their commitment to fostering social, cultural, and political education and dialogue within the Chicago community.

The event will feature a screening of the documentary “Monseñor: The Last Journey of Óscar Romero,” followed by an insightful discussion and commentary led by esteemed Human Rights Defender from El Salvador, Neris Gonzales, Reverend Dan Dale, and other speakers. Additionally, we will have the opportunity to enjoy food from El Salvador while experiencing live music.

We warmly invite you to join us for this meaningful occasion as we pay tribute to Saint Óscar Romero and his enduring legacy of justice and liberation. We look forward to sharing this experience with you.

“When all avenues of dialogue, understanding and rationality are closed, the Church speaks of the legitimate right to insurrectionary violence.”

“And if they kill me, I will be resurrected in the Salvadoran people.”

– Óscar Arnulfo Romero

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Oscar Romero Commemoration Event
Sunday, April 7, from 3:30 to 6:00pm
Inga Bookstore (Pilsen neighborhood)
1740 W. 18th St., Chicago, IL 60608

Join us on Sunday, April 7th, at 3:30pm as we come together to honor the life and legacy of Saint Oscar Romero. CRLN is delighted to partner with the Alma de Izote collective (Yuca Flower) for a special commemorative event dedicated to celebrating Saint Oscar Romero’s profound impact. His enduring influence holds special significance for CRLN, evident in his portrayal within our logo. Romero’s dedication to justice serves as a guiding light for our own efforts.

This year is the 44th anniversary of his martyrdom. We would not be CRLN if we didn’t remind you that he was killed during the war in El Salvador in 1980s which was backed and funded the infamous death squads. To his legacy we say ¡San Romero Vive! ¡Presente!

Alma de Izote is a newly formed solidarity group comprising individuals from the El Salvador community and allies, united in their commitment to fostering social, cultural, and political education and dialogue within the Chicago community.

The event will feature a screening of the documentary “Monseñor: The Last Journey of Oscar Romero,” followed by an insightful discussion and commentary led by esteemed Human Rights Defender from El Salvador, Neris Gonzales, Reverend Dan Dale, and other speakers. Additionally, we will have the opportunity to enjoy food from El Salvador while enjoying live music.

We warmly invite you to join us for this meaningful occasion as we pay tribute to Saint Oscar Romero and his enduring legacy of justice and liberation. We look forward to sharing this experience with you.

“When all avenues of dialogue, understanding and rationality are closed, the Church speaks of the legitimate right to insurrectionary violence.”

“And if they kill me, I will be resurrected in the Salvadoran people.”

– Óscar Arnulfo Romero

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Rescheduled Open House!

We have rescheduled our Open House to be able to welcome two of our partners from the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Center in Havana. Reverend Izett Samá Hernández and Loyet García Broche have at long last received U.S. visas and can join us in person for a week of events.

We are planning a fun virtual Open House! You will have a chance to meet the staff, learn about our projects, and meet others from the CRLN community! We hope to see you virtually!!

Virtual Open House on Thursday, May 9 on Zoom.

6:30 PM Program

7:30 PM Q&A

RSVP Here!


Click here for In-Person Open House on April 13 information and RSVP. 

More event information on our calendar.

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Rescheduled Open House!

We have rescheduled our Open House to be able to welcome two of our partners from the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Center in Havana. Reverend Izett Samá Hernández and Loyet García Broche have at long last received U.S. visas and can join us in person.

In-person Open House on Saturday, April 13 at University Church at 5655 South University Avenue
3:00 pm Program
4:00 Mingle, Visit info tables about CRLN projects and partners

We are planning a fun afternoon! You will have a chance to meet the staff, learn about our campaigns, and meet others from the CRLN community! We are also planning a virtual Open House more information here.

We hope to see you in person or virtually!!

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Blanca Valladares de Red COMAL en Honduras comparte cómo la agricultura comunitaria, las cooperativas y los productos locales han respaldado a las comunidades en resistencia durante los últimos 30 años.

Celebrating Community Alternatives- Blanca Valladares from Red COMAL in Honduras shares how for 30 years, community agriculture, cooperatives, and local products have supported communities in resistance.

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​Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice centers racial and economic justice as we address the root causes of violence from oppression, poverty, environmental devastation, patriarchy, and war.

Thanks to our co-sponsors Church of the Good Shepherd, U of M Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and the Huron Valley Democratic Socialists of America.

Register Here

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On Sunday, November 12, 2023, the InterReligious Task Force on Central America (IRTF) will commemorate the 43rd anniversary of the martyrdom of Clevelanders in El Salvador. On December 2, 1980—four women (including CWRU alumna, Jean Donovan and Ursuline Sister, Dorothy Kazel) paid with their lives for deciding to stay in solidarity with oppressed and marginalized peoples, despite political turmoil in El Salvador.

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